We are inviting students to volunteer at our upcoming YOW! Melbourne Developer Conference 2022.
Volunteering at YOW! Events is an excellent networking opportunity for students just starting out, and you’ll be exposed to a wide range of innovative ideas. Mingle with some of Australia’s best and brightest people in the software industry.
All crew volunteers will work approx. 12 hours during the conference days. In return for helping with the conference, crew volunteers will have free access to the conference and social events.
Crew volunteers need to be available to attend a 2-hour briefing session the evening before the conference.
Volunteers assist with a range of duties, including and not limited to:
- Packing conference bags
- Assisting attendees with registration
- Ushering attendees to available seats
- Collecting feedback after every session
The following meals at the conference are included for confirmed volunteers:
- Morning tea
- Lunch
- Afternoon tea
- Reception - light snacks and beverages
A limited number of volunteer slots are available for each conference. The free ticket is available only at the conference for which you are volunteering. These tickets cannot be sold and are non-transferable. Applicants may apply to volunteer for as many conferences as they like, so long as they are available on the dates required.
Applications are now closed for 2022
For further information, please email melissa@yowconference.com