Event Modeling from Beginner to Expert
YOW! Brisbane 2023

Monday Dec 4
10:30 –
Green Room

Event Modeling from Beginner to Expert

In this talk, Event Modeling will be introduced and shown how it is used by both stake holders and technical teams to automate modern systems, translating requirements into dependable, scalable, maintainable information systems.

The industry has matured to the point that we are overwhelmed with tool, frameworks and methodologies. We explore how this simple technique goes back to basics to take advantage of how we naturally organise systems as human beings. Take your existing skills such as Domain Driven Design, Lean Principles, Agile, Hexagonal Architecture and stream line them, make them reach more people.

With the increase in the speed of automation in general and specifically given by Large Language Models in AI, defining requirements and systems design needs to keep up. A human-usable description notation for what we are building is essential. We dove-tail the core principles for good software development into the next generation of tools so that we don't let AI build systems that have inherent problems for quality, scalability, maintainability or complexity.

In this session you will learn:

  • The fundamental pillars of good information architecture
  • How to break down barriers that create silos in your organisation
  • Collaborate effectively instead of attending unnecessary meetings
  • Build a reliable source of truth for your system
  • Replace or drop inefficient or redundant tooling
  • Modularity that prioritises your business workflow
  • Keep cost curves from ever accelerating beyond your control