How Metaflow became Netflix’s beloved Data Science framework

Monday Dec 5
14:30 –
Blue Room

In this talk, you’ll learn about Metaflow, an end-to-end Machine Learning and Data Science framework from Netflix that shortened the time to get ML models in production from months to days. After its 1.0 release, Metaflow quickly became a beloved environment for rapid prototyping all the way to full scale ML. It’s been tested across thousands of ML projects and dozens of companies since its open sourcing in 2019. Currently, Metaflow is the 7th-most popular Netflix open source project of all time.

In the latter portion of the talk, we’ll discuss how Metaflow was made and the engineering mindset of the team that built it. You’ll walk away with practical takeaways that you can apply to your project.

Disclaimer: I do not represent Netflix and the views expressed in this talk are solely my own.